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Suraja syrup

Indications:Menstrual problems such as - Leucorrhoea, Irregular menses, Hormonal imbalance, dysmenorrhoea
Ingredients: Lodhra - balances kapha dosha and helps treat leucorrhoe and menorrhagia. Musali - treats PCOS symptoms by balancing the female hormones. Mocharas - Regultes menstrual blood flow. Vidarikand - Improves reproductive health.Patha - reduces menstrual cramps.

Leucoris Tablet

Indications:Leucorrhoea, Menorrhagia

Femi-O-Fine Tablet

Indications:Gynecological disorders :- Female infertility, Amenorrhea, Dismenorrhea, Abnormal ovum, PCOS, miscarriage, leucorrhoea, inflammation.
Ingredients: Renuka beej -Increase progesterone secretion, releave premenstrual syndrome. Anantmul - Detoxify body inside out,blood purifier, Antibacterial, aid in removing infection and blockages for reproductive system. Ashoka ghan-Uterine tonic, Nourishes and suppo