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Livofine Syrup

Indications:Liver and Spleen disorders. Splenomegaly, Spleen disorders, Liver disorders (Viral Hepatitis, Jaundice, Liver cirrhosis, Abscess, Indigestion, Skin diseases.
Ingredients: Kalmegh - Hepato-protective, improves digestion, blood purifier. Trikatu - Improves digestion, removes Aam, anti-inflammatory. Bhuyamlaki - Antioxidant, reverses Liver damage, antiviral. Bhrugaraj-Liver tonic, improves digestion, helps in skin disease due

Hingwashtak Churn

Indications:Indigestion ,Fullness of Abdomen ,gaseous distension
Ingredients: Hing - increases activity of digestive enzymes ,jirak - helps to keep the gut healthy ,pippali - carminative and laxative ,sunthi - improves metabolism

Trismyak Yog Tablet

Indications:Balance the three Doshas,
Ingredients: Trikatu -Acts as digestive, Tamra bhasma improves the liver fuctions,