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Tejas Tablet

Indications:Agnimandha (Anorexia), Hyperacidity,
Ingredients: Amalaki Ghana - Potent sour taste, activate and support digestion, helps body to digest, absorb and assimilate Nutrients. Yashtimadhu Ghan - Rasayana, treats chronic Acidity and Ulcers. Trikatu - Powerful digestive stimulant, Rasayana. Mukta shukti pisti


Indications:Liver Disease like viral Hepatitis, Jaundice, Ascites, Anorexia, Skin diseases,Spleen disorders.
Ingredients: Haridra - Anti-inflammatory, reduces fat accumulation in the liver. Kalmegh - Hepato-protective, improves digestion, Anti-inflammatory, Anti oxidant. Sharpoonkha roots - Helps to detoxify the liver and helps to regenerate new liver cells. Bhui Amalaki - H