Related Drugs

Granthighna Tablet

Indications:Inflammation, Tumors, Fibroids, Cysts, Lymphoma, Bulky uterus, Thyromegaly etc.
Ingredients: Shuddh Guggul -Anti-inflammatory, Antihyperlipedaemic, Astringent, Antioxidant. Kanchanar -Anti-inflammatory, balances Kapha, detoxify lymphatic system, Bharangi- Anti-inflammatory, Antioxidant, Astringent, Antihistaminic,

D-Pachak Tablet

Indications:All types of dhatujanya disorders, immunity booster
Ingredients: Pacifies tridosha. Heps purifying bloodand acts as wound healer.Anti - microbial and anti - bacterial propery.

MD Pachak Tablet

Ingredients: Chiraita -Acts on fat, reduces bad fat generation, Amruta- Improves digestion, Chandana- Acts on fats, Shunthi -Acts on digestion, reduces cholesterol from blood,